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Tap Dancer Couple Vibrator

3 sold 10 hours ago
399,00 kr
VAT included
The Tap Dancer Couple Vibrator is an elegantly designed vibrator especially for couples. The woman wears the vibrator, which provides...
Subtotal 399,00 kr
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Tap Dancer Couple Vibrator

Product description

The Tap Dancer Couple Vibrator is an elegantly designed vibrator especially for couples. The woman wears the vibrator, which provides extra stimulation to both partners. The narrow part is placed in the vagina so that the wide part rests on the clitoris. It has a lovely pulsating tapping function that is most reminiscent of fast moving fingers. Because the inserted end is small and flat, penetration is still possible. In this way, the man feels the vibrations from the Tap Dancer during penetration. The small end also provides G-spot stimulation and tightens the vagina, meaning the man will experience even more stimulation.

There are 7 vibration/pulsation settings that can be easily controlled with the wireless remote control; so your hands are mostly free and you don't have to worry about hard-to-reach buttons. This couple vibrator is made of soft, body-safe silicone. Use a water-based lubricant. The Tap Dancer can be recharged with the supplied USB cable. The remote control works with 1 CR2032 battery (accessory). Cleaning is simple with lukewarm water and toy cleaner. Do not immerse the Tap Dancer in water for long periods of time.

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You should receive your refund within four weeks of returning the package, but in many cases you will receive your refund sooner. This period includes the shipping time it takes for the return to arrive from the sender (5-10 business days), the time it takes to process the return after receipt (3-5 business days), and the time it takes for the bank to process our refund request (5-10 working days).

If you need to return a product, simply contact customer service at post@joyful.dk. As soon as we have received and processed the returned product, we will notify you of the refund via email. Please note that certain products are not covered by the right of return for hygienic and health reasons - if this is the case, then this is described in the product description.


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Please note that the shipping costs for the products we sell are based on price. We have free shipping on orders over DKK 595, otherwise shipping costs DKK 69 in Denmark and DKK 79 in the rest of Europe. There is, however, a shipping surcharge on our realistic dolls of DKK 200 throughout Europe, but it is free to Denmark.

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