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FPPR. Dobbeltsidet masturbator (vagina - mund)

3 sold 10 hours ago
Joyful Danmark
199,00 kr
VAT included
Nyd en intens penisstimulering med denne klare dobbeltsidede masturbator. Denne masturbator har en vagina- og mundåbning, et meget strækbart og...
Subtotal 199,00 kr
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FPPR. Dobbeltsidet masturbator (vagina - mund)

Product description

Nyd en intens penisstimulering med denne klare dobbeltsidede masturbator. Denne masturbator har en vagina- og mundåbning, et meget strækbart og fleksibelt ærme og en stimulerende ribbet inderside. Fordi onaneren er gennemsigtig, kan du se alt, hvad der sker indeni, hvilket gør oplevelsen ekstra spændende. Takket være den kompakte størrelse kan du nemt tage denne masturbator med dig, uanset hvor du går.
Efter brug skal du fjerne ærmet fra kabinettet og rengøre det ordentligt med vand og legetøjsrens eller en mild antibakteriel sæbe.

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You can return most new, unopened items within 14 days of delivery for a full refund. We will also pay the shipping costs for the return if the return is due to our fault (you received a defective or defective product, etc.) If you simply want to return the products, then you must pay for the shipping.

You should receive your refund within four weeks of returning the package, but in many cases you will receive your refund sooner. This period includes the shipping time it takes for the return to arrive from the sender (5-10 business days), the time it takes to process the return after receipt (3-5 business days), and the time it takes for the bank to process our refund request (5-10 working days).

If you need to return a product, simply contact customer service at post@joyful.dk. As soon as we have received and processed the returned product, we will notify you of the refund via email. Please note that certain products are not covered by the right of return for hygienic and health reasons - if this is the case, then this is described in the product description.


We can deliver to practically any address in Europe.

Please note that the shipping costs for the products we sell are based on price. We have free shipping on orders over DKK 595, otherwise shipping costs DKK 69 in Denmark and DKK 79 in the rest of Europe. There is, however, a shipping surcharge on our realistic dolls of DKK 200 throughout Europe, but it is free to Denmark.

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