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Satisfyer Hot Lover Connect App - Pink Rose

3 sold 10 hours ago
500,00 kr 299,00 kr
VAT included
Satisfyer Hot Lover is a rabbit vibrator with the extra touch! While the shaft with its ergonomically curved tip stimulates...
Subtotal 299,00 kr
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Satisfyer Hot Lover Connect App - Pink Rose

Product description

Satisfyer Hot Lover is a rabbit vibrator with the extra touch! While the shaft with its ergonomically curved tip stimulates the G-spot, the small stimulator provides intense sensations on the clitoris. The two powerful motors can be controlled separately via the control panel on the vibrator or with the Satisfyer Connect App.

For extra hot moments, you can use the heat function; the shaft of the Hot Lover heats up to 39 degrees, which not only provides more pleasure and an increased chance of orgasm, but also provides a realistic, lifelike experience. The heating function can be activated individually, so you can use the vibrator as you wish. The design of Hot Lover is particularly striking. The glittering surface in beautiful pastel tones and the sparkling detail in the middle make it a real highlight.

At the same time, the surface is very soft and comfortable on the skin thanks to the medical silicone. Hot Lover offers 12 preset vibration modes, and with the free Satisfyer Connect App for Android and Apple iOS, you can create new programs or connect the app to Spotify to experience intense orgasms to the rhythm of your favorite songs – the possibilities are endless! Thanks to whisper mode, you never have to worry about anyone hearing. Even underwater, you don't have to miss this vibrator, as its waterproof design allows it to accompany you in the shower or bathtub. After use, simply clean it with lukewarm water and a toy cleaner, and recharge it with the included USB cable.

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You should receive your refund within four weeks of returning the package, but in many cases you will receive your refund sooner. This period includes the shipping time it takes for the return to arrive from the sender (5-10 business days), the time it takes to process the return after receipt (3-5 business days), and the time it takes for the bank to process our refund request (5-10 working days).

If you need to return a product, simply contact customer service at post@joyful.dk. As soon as we have received and processed the returned product, we will notify you of the refund via email. Please note that certain products are not covered by the right of return for hygienic and health reasons - if this is the case, then this is described in the product description.


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