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4-in-1 Bangin bench with sex machine - 9 kg

3 sold 10 hours ago
8.000,00 kr 5.250,00 kr
VAT included
Choose between a bouncy seat or a sturdy, padded seat... then choose between a sex machine, your favorite dildo or...
Subtotal 5.250,00 kr
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4-in-1 Bangin bench with sex machine - 9 kg

Product description

Choose between a bouncy seat or a sturdy, padded seat... then choose between a sex machine, your favorite dildo or your partner's face! The new 4 in 1 Bangin Bench is more versatile than ever, with a new way to get comfortable. Treat yourself to hands-free ecstasy with a detachable sex machine that can even be used alone! Snap the padded pads into place and then secure the bottom of the machine with the included suction cups so the dildo sticks up in the desired location. The optional extension rod is even flexible so you can adjust the dongle to your ideal angle. The included dildo is firm but soft and has a vein-like texture.

The vacuum grip can be used with other compatible dildos so you can customize your ride. Use the wired multi-speed disc to explore penetration with up to 150 thrusts per minute. You can also adjust the print length from 1 inch to 3.5 inches. Want to take even more control? Attach your favorite suction cup dildo to the red metal ladder, or use the included harness to secure a wide-based dong and bounce up and down on the elastic seat straps to screw yourself.

Use it on its own for piercing intensity on your terms, or put on a show for your partner to show them what takes you over the edge. You can even remove the height bar and sex machine and use it as a Queening stool, straddling your lovers face while they pleasure you from below! The Bangin Bench is easy to set up and discreet to store with a durable steel frame built to last. The included dildo is compatible with silicone and water-based lubricants. Clean after use with mild soap or toy cleaner.

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You should receive your refund within four weeks of returning the package, but in many cases you will receive your refund sooner. This period includes the shipping time it takes for the return to arrive from the sender (5-10 business days), the time it takes to process the return after receipt (3-5 business days), and the time it takes for the bank to process our refund request (5-10 working days).

If you need to return a product, simply contact customer service at post@joyful.dk. As soon as we have received and processed the returned product, we will notify you of the refund via email. Please note that certain products are not covered by the right of return for hygienic and health reasons - if this is the case, then this is described in the product description.


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